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Benchmarking Sphinx

PyPy has an extensive benchmark suite. On most of the microbenchmarks we do quite well. One of the more complete benchmarks is one that builds a sphinx document website. The benchmark takes ~175 seconds on PyPy3 without the JIT and ~80 seconds with the JIT on the benchmarking machine, CPython finishes the benchmark in about 45 seconds. This is a good opportunity to explore how to analyze PyPy’ performance and suggest paths forward to speed it up.

The problem is to find out what exactly is going on, where the slowdowns are. Ususally, you need to combine cprofile and JIT profiling. A typical workflow is to use cprofile with CPython and PyPy to get a deterministic call tree. Then use vmprof for a sampling profiler, and use the JIT log for the actual Jitted code.

Running the benchmark

Here is how to run the benchmark in a posix shell:

hg clone
cd benchmarks
PYTHONPATH=lib:lib/jinja2/ <python> \
    benchmarks/lib/cpython-doc/tools/ -b html

Since we want the benchmark to run consistently over many versions of python, all the third-party packages are part of the benchmark repo: docutils, sphinx, and of course the source documentation itself. So we use PYTHONPATH to run the benchmark. Replace <python> with the version of python you wish to benchmark. To run PyPy without the JIT, use <pypy> --jit off

Getting started: cprofile

OK, now we know how to run the benchmark, but we aer looking for places PyPy could do better. One way to profile is to use the built-in cprofile module. We can write the output to a file. However, any deterministic profiler will slow down the program being profiled considerably, so this is best used for a rought measure of performance. We can run the command above, but instead of <python>, use <python> -m cprofile.


The output from a CPython run and a PyPy run can be diffed. That quickly pointed to write_tree as a place where something is off: CPython runs it in ~1 sec and PyPy takes ~44 secs. Sphinx uses pickle underneath to save intermediary results. CPython has the _pickle c-extension module built in, PyPy uses a pure-python implementation. So some of this slowdown may be due to cprofile overhead on the python code. We know pickling dictionaries is 8x slower on PyPy, but 44x is a bit extreme. So if PyPy had a faster pickle implementation that would make many things faster. A nice task for someone who wants to learn about RPython might be to transpile the _pickle.c code (or the pure-python parts of that _pickle.c reimplements), add tests and make it fast.


Another easy comparison is in the docutils (a pure-python library) nodes._fast_traverse functions. PyPy takes 70s on where CPython needs ~18. _fast_traverse is a six-line function:

def _fast_traverse(self, cls):
    """Specialized traverse() that only supports instance checks."""
    result = []
    if isinstance(self, cls):
    for child in self.children:
    return result

It does a check, appends to a list, then recurses, and returns the list. Recursion is slow on both CPython and PyPy: rewriting this as a non-recursive function would be a clear win. But this benchmark is now fixed in time. We could add a new benchmark with the changed code, that would not help with this one.

Next step: the JIT log

Now that we know a bit more about the performance bottlenecks, let's dive into what is going on inside the JIT. We can run the command above a little differently in order to create a log of the JIT activity:

PYPYLOG=jit-log-opt,jit-summary,jit-backend-counts:out-sphinx PYTHONPATH=lib:lib/jinja2/ ~/bin/pypy lib/cpython-doc/tools/ -b html lib/cpython-doc/ lib/cpython-doc/build/ -E

The PYPYLOG value saves only some of the JIT information. Like cprofile, writing this information out slows down the JIT.

The last section of the log (backend-counts) summarizes counts of the bridges and loops, so you can see which are the "busiest" loops. You search for the target token (the address of the loop)

Just before that is the jit-summary. It can tell you the time spent tracing and in the backend. That is about 15% in our case.

One other hack is to sort the debug_merge_points by function name:

grep debug_merge_point out-sphinx | cut -d ' ' -f 5,6,7,9 | sort | uniq -c | sort --numeric-sort

We made way too many versions of _fast_traverse, and it is recursive. This is because it makes bridges (failed guard calling out to other code). So in the log there is a # bridge ... comment, it has an address. We found one that points to the guard on the loop call, generating a new version for each combination of type(self) and type(cls). This is silly, most of the calls to _fast_travserse will create such a bridge.

Aside: why is there a jit code ll_listcontains... ? This always happens when looking at a trace: you find things that drag you down a rabbit hole.

One approach to solving this would be "give up": do not create another guard/bridge for each specialization. Another solution: check the depth of the chain of bridges and do something if it is too deep. We need to be careful not to, for instance, make translation slower.

In order to create a test for this in the JIT, we would need to recreate it in a test. We would need a simple class implementation with a function that looks like _fast_traverse, and a class generator factory that would create the classes in a way that approximately recreates the sphinx situation.
